Mcp2200 Usb Serial Port Emulator Driver
MCP2200 USB-to-UART protocol converter, with its low-cost evaluation tool, software libraries, and Windows based configuration tool, enables designers to quickly and easily add USB connectivity to an application without completely redesigning the system. Kartinki na rabochij stol priroda. The whole solution is designed to shorten time to market for a variety of applications in the industrial (for example data loggers, instrumentation, data-acquisition systems and smart-card readers) and medical markets (for example heart-rate, blood-sugar and blood-pressure monitors) in addition to legacy RS-232 applications. End users increasingly want to connect embedded applications to PCs for data collection, transfer, and analysis as well as for system networking / connectivity.
I can't install driver for Grid and can't detect it in CAM. In my devices list I have MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator detected with error message. Mcp usb serial port emulator windows 7 Mcp usb serial port emulator windows 7,,,,,mcp2200 usb serial port emulator,,,,,Mcp usb serial port emulator windows 7 This time the line of products has been entitled Templarius Imperator to correspond to its magnificent design.
One of the simplest ways to add this capability to existing systems is via a USB-to-UART protocol converter, such as the MCP2200. By simply connecting the MCP2200 UART interface to any microcontroller UART peripheral, USB connectivity can be added. Additionally, the MCP2200 includes eight general-purpose I/O pins that can be controlled by the PC using the Windows-based configuration tool that comes with the MCP2200. As a result, a wider range of applications can be supported.
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