Moodle Gotovie Kursi

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You are here • › • › • › • › • Moodle at Augustana University Moodle Login Instructions Moodle is an online course management system. It allows instructors to place course materials in a secure online environment. Pc analyzer instrukciya na russkom yazike Those materials might include a course syllabus and calendar, links to online resources, links to electronic reserves, and online threaded discussions.

Users gain access to their courses by logging into the system using their username and password. Where do go to I log in? The direct URL for Augie’s Moodle courses is. Students can also find a link to Moodle from the Current Student’s link off the Augie homepage.

Faculty can find a link to Moodle from the Faculty & Staff link off the Augie homepage. What is my Moodle username and password?

A student's username is the student’s Novell username and password. New students' Moodle accounts are automatically created the first time they log into Moodle. Faculty and administrators can have their Moodle username and password be linked to their Novell username and password. Contact Sharon Gray to have that set up. Am I automatically a student in the online course?

• Most instructors allow you to add (“enroll”) yourself using the course enrollment key. Log into Moodle, navigate to your course, click the course link and type in the enrollment key when prompted. • Others add you to the course themselves, meaning you will see the course listed in your “My courses” block after you log in. Do I need to do anything special to my computer to make Moodle work? Internet Explorer and Firefox are the recommended browsers. If you are using a Mac, you will need to use Firefox. The Mac browsers, Opera and Safari, do not work well with Moodle.

Who do I contact if I have problems? Sharon Gray is Augie's Instructional Technologist.

Her e-mail is. Her phone numbers are: 605-274-4907 (office), 605-624-8833 (home) and 605-670-0185 (cell).