Mp Tool Canon Resetter
The program is designed for service works with the printer Canon MP-Series Low-Level mode at the moment are supported: MP150, MP160, MP170, MP180, MP450, MP460. Software Features: • Expanded information on the level of ink in the cartridge and containers for the waste of ink. • Reading, recording and reset the printer EEPROM. • Resetting counters level black and coloured ink cartridges. Clear the counters occupancy “core” and “supplementary” containers for the waste of ink. MPTools for canon Printer MP Info Section. Ink Level – shows the level of occupancy ink: BK – black cartridge.
Feb 2, 2014 - Before you could use sofware resetter to canon especially MP's type like mp145,mp150,mp160,mp450 and that was other.There was several.
CY – colored ink cartridge Cyan. MG – colored Magenta ink cartridge. YL – Yellow colored ink cartridge.
WM – “core” container for the waste of ink. WP – “additional” container for the waste of ink. Port Name – displays the name of the printer port on the system. Operations ection. Subsection Reset Counter – Ink Counter. Reset Black – zeroing meter level black ink cartridge.
Reset Color – zeroing meter level of colour ink cartridge. Subsection Reset Counter – Waste Ink Counter. Reset Main – zeroing meter level occupancy ink “main” containers for the waste of ink.
Reset Platen – zeroing meter level occupancy ink “additional” container for the waste of ink. Subsection EEPROM Operations.
Read – reading EEPROM *. Bin in the printer file. Write – Record *. Bin file in EEPROM printer.