Systools Ost Recovery 43 Crack
SysTools OST Recovery is a tool that is used for the recovery of inaccessible OST files of Exchange Outlook*. This data retrieval utility can provides you with the capability to extract messages, contacts, and calendars from corrupted, damaged, or orphan OST files and save them in other file formats. Key features include: • Preview of recovered OST file data items.
Jan 18, 2018 - SysTools OST Recovery is a tool that is used for the recovery of inaccessible OST files of Exchange Outlook*. This data retrieval utility can.
• Two scan modes for recovering corrupted OST: Advanced & Quick. • Supports selective data export based on the date range.
• Support for saving recovered data in 3 file formats: PST/EML/MSG. • Suitable naming conventions while saving the data in EML/MSG. In testing, SysTools OST Recovery worked smoothly, without having a large system impact. Overall, it provides an easy solution for extracting files from the MS Outlook storage folder, backed by multiple output settings.• *The demo version of SysTools OST Recovery provides a preview for all the OST items but it can export only 25 items/folder.
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